If you or your loved one has been arrested on suspicion of a sex crime, contact the Denver criminal lawyer before doing anything else.
Just being accused of a sex crime in Colorado is serious business. Law enforcement officials, family, and friends are quick to rush to judgment during sex crimes investigations, especially if there are children involved. Even if you are just being investigated for a sex crime, contact our Denver criminal defense law firm to discuss your case.
Legally speaking, a sex crime is any crime involving misconduct of a sexual nature. These crimes include indecent exposure, prostitution, solicitation of a minor, rape, sexual assault, stalking, possession of child pornography, and much more. Even “flirting” with a minor under the age of 18 can merit a sex crimes charge.
Certain sex crimes like indecent exposure may not result in anything more than probation and a fine. If a sex crime included violence or was committed against a child however, that crime is likely to be charged as a felony and will result in state prison time. If convicted of a sex crime, an offender will have to register as such in the state’s sex offender registry.
As you can see, the stakes are high in every sex crimes case. At the law offices of the Denver criminal lawyer, our legal defense team is committed to getting the best possible results for each client that comes to us for help. Contact the law offices of the Denver criminal attorney today for an immediate consultation regarding your sex crimes case.