A felony charge is much more serious than a misdemeanor since by its very legal definition it is punishable by time served in state prison. Not every felony conviction does result in state prison time, but statistically speaking about two thirds of all felons are sentenced to time in prison. Decrease your risk for such a sentence by appointing the Denver criminal lawyer to represent your case.
A felony charge could be anything from a violent crime to a white collar crime. Drug offenses and sex crimes are oftentimes charged as felonies as well. Felonies can be tried in state criminal court or the federal court system. The Denver criminal lawyer has many years of experience successfully representing clients in both justice systems.
While every case is different, the ultimate goal is not---to get the client the best sentence possible. The Denver criminal lawyer believes in thoroughly investigating each individual case to uncover every angle for the strongest defense. If any false accusation, negligence on the part of police officials, or corruption of evidence is discovered, these facts will be taken to the judge immediately to reduce your charges or get them dropped all together.
In the cases where a client will probably be found guilty, this client can rest assured that the Denver criminal defense team will barter with every available asset to reduce their sentence. Not every felony conviction has to result in jail time. Depending on a client’s criminal history, we may be able to negotiate for substantially less time in prison or even a jail alternative sentence such as a work furlough.
If you are a facing a felony offense, appoint an attorney with a proven record. Contact the law office of the Denver criminal attorney today to begin your case.